Raptor Monitoring & Banding

Our goal with this project is to conduct long-term monitoring of the status and trends of migrating raptors in British Columbia and to analyze and disseminate this information.

Hawks usually migrate over a broad front; however, they can be concentrated by land forms such as the mountains of the Fraser Valley where raptors pass through in large concentrations during the spring and fall migration.

Raptor monitoring involves observing, recording, and analyzing data related to populations, behavior, habitat use, and threats facing birds of prey. It helps scientists and conservationists understand population trends, identify critical habitats, assess the impacts of environmental changes, and develop effective conservation strategies.

Raptor Banding involves attaching uniquely numbered metal bands to the tarsi of raptors for identification and tracking purposes; an extensive set of biometric measurements is also taken on each banded bird. Each band has a unique identifier, which together with data from each banded bird is recorded in a centralized database managed by the Federal Bird Banding Office in Canada in collaboration with the US Geological Survey’s Bird Banding Laboratory.

Banded birds can provide valuable data on migration patterns, longevity, dispersal, and population dynamics when recaptured or reported by citizen scientists. Banding also helps researchers understand the movements and behaviors of individual birds within populations, contributing to broader conservation efforts.

Both monitoring and banding efforts are integral to the conservation and management of raptor species, aiding in the protection of these birds and their ecosystems and are crucial activities in the field of ornithology, particularly for studying and conserving bird populations.

Full project description in the link below:

Raptor Migration Banding – Project Description