Vancouver is NOT a Bird-Friendly City!
Window Strikes
No provisions in the building code to mandate bird-friendly glass in buildings!
Free Roaming Cats
Free roaming cats allowed despite other municipalities banning them!
No Lights Out Policy
No lights out policy during spring and fall migration!
We need stronger laws and regulations in our cities to take preventative and retroactive measures to avoid the harm caused by glass in structures. All of us are in a position to influence our local governments and businesses into action. Below are only three examples of change we can initiate!
Becoming a bird-friendly city!
Nature Canada is working with local partners like VARC to create bird friendly cities across Canada.
Nature groups, municipal officials, and community groups are teaming up with Nature Canada to ensure our urban environments are safe havens for birds. From predation by domestic cats, to window and car collisions, cities and towns present many preventable hazards to birds.
Click on the image below for more information:
Join A Community Movement!
Check out community-led action movements like Bird Safe Buildings Across Canada, which aim to encourage older buildings known as dangerously high bird-window collision hotspots to install life-saving treatments.
Join them on their current campaign or get in touch with them to find collision hotspots in your city and start your own campaign!
Click on the image below for more information:
Please write to your City Councilor!
One of the easiest and most important things that each of us can do is to be politically engaged and write to our City Councilor asking for stronger, more robust laws that protect our environment.
Bird-friendly building ordinances, guidelines and standards are enacted at the municipal level – therefore it is most effective to contact your City Councilor.
Click on the image below for more information: